10) Instead of a sidewalk there is a big ditch next to you that you can jump in if a car comes by...
9) Everybody looks at you like you are crazy for subjecting your body to such torture early in the morning. (and they are right)
8) Chickens/ Roosters look at you with really mean looks on their faces...
7) In addition to focusing on running, you have to focus on every blind corner to make sure you will not be hit by a motorcycle.
6) You come in to take a shower and you are just as hot as you were outside.
5) During my 3 mile run, I saw 2 temples and probably 20 spirit houses... a great opportunity to pray for our neighbors...
4) Almost stepped on a millipede
3) "Speed work" is defined as "dogs running after you to make you pick up your pace..."
2) The smell of Thai breakfast along the way... fish balls and fried chicken
1) ( drum roll please): You know you are running in Thailand if... This thought actually crosses your mind "I better bring my ID, b/c if I get injured and a rabid dog bites me, nobody will know who I am..."