Sunday, March 28, 2010

Corinne's agenda in Bella Vista...

Priority 1: Get caught up on sleep!

Priority 2: Get caught up on those desserts that Grandpa has been promising me.

Priority 3: Paint/Hunt Easter Eggs

Priority 4: Let Granny cut my hair!


  1. Cute hair!!! It looks like y'all are enjoying yourselves!

  2. It's going to be great to see you guys in a week. Make sure to soak in these last few days of food and fun before you hit the plane. It will go so fast!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just found out about your blog from my mom Brenda Symes she was having lunch at aunt Sina's with all of you guys, looking forward to reading and seeing all the interesting ventures that you and you family are going to have.
